English IV: Post 2 - The best holidays ever

The best vacations I had in my life were when I was 7 years old in 2009 and I went to Puerto Varas, I don´t remember how long we stayed  but I was probably a week or two, and I went with my mom, dad and brother, that was the only trip I did without my maternal grandparents.

I remember the most is the cabin where we stayed, and how we played hitting each other with my brother with cushions and the delicious kuchen that we had for breakfast. I remember that we visited many parts, but the place I remember the most is when we went to Frutillar, we went to the house of some relatives of my mother´s friend.

I consider it to be the best vacations so far because I don´t remember going that far from Santiago, we usually go to the beach every year, at least for as long as I can remember, so I don´t remember when I was younger, just from photos I know we used to travel further to the south, so that doesn´t count to me.


  1. Puerto Varas is a nice place to go! -coniverav

  2. One of my goals is to eat strawberries in Frutillar, although I have been told many times that I will only find kuchen.

  3. Puerto Varas seems like a peaceful place. I wish to visit it someday!

  4. I would like to go to Puerto Varas some day, a friend of mine is from there.


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